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Misti'zzle de la fontaine
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Misti'zzle de la fontaine

Misti'zzle de La Fontaine
2 avis client
4.50 2
Ref. MIS03  •  EAN 3 770003 625216
Animated by the characters of the famous Fables of La Fontaine, Misti'zzle is a card game based on observation, graphics adapted for children.
Available languages :
French, English, German, Spanish, Dutch
3 to 6 players
From 4 years old
About 20 minutes
Family game
In stock
12.00 €
10.00 €
Free shipping to metropolitan France, shipped within 24 hours excluding public holidays and weekends.

Where is the Raven hiding?
With the Fox ...
Will the Cicada go back to its ant?

Animated by the characters of the famous Fables of La Fontaine, Misti'zzle is a card game based on observation graphics adapted for children.

The goal of the game is to assemble a maximum of cards per pair to form mini-scenes of the Fables of La Fontaine, avoiding having in hand at the end of the game, the map Mistigri represented by the Puss in Boots of Perrault.

The mini-scenes come together like a puzzle to create the Misti'zzle (a puzzle of 4 high cards on 10 wide cards).

Le puzzle du Misti'zzle

This box includes:
• 40 cards
• 2 jokers (to replace lost or damaged cards)
• 1 map Mistigri
• 1 rulebook
This game is also available in Braille version (French / English). To go on the sheet, click here.
Misti'zzle De La Fontaine - Rule of the game
25/09/2019 - 1780 ko
Mon petit neveu ne connaissait pas les fables de la fontaine. Un peu jeune pour jouer au Mistigri, c'est régulièrement que je le trouve dans sa chambre en train de faire, défaire et refaire ce Puzzle. Et bien entendu, qui c'est qui doit lui réciter les fables de La Fontaine ?
Découvert sur les marchés de Noël, le Misti'zzle fait désormais parti de ces petits jeux phares que vous amenez partout dans la boîte à jeu de voyage. De plus, cela a permis avec mes enfant de découvrir et redécouvrir les différentes fables. "Maître Corbeau, sur un arbre perché..."
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